Saturday, January 14, 2017

I am usually nicer than this but this man (Obama) is an ass. I am amazed that anyone would vote for him once much less twice. If Louisiana was anymore diversified they would be walking in fire. The city of New Orleans slogan is coexist. When I worked at the airport in New Orleans they had an office for disadvantaged business people in full operation at the time I left there in 2001. They refused to renew contracts for white vendors with small businesses and gave them to a group of black women who used race and gender to qualify for low interest loans. This group of poor disadvantaged businesswomen had among their members the wife of famed attorney Johnny Cochran. It is all a farce. There were 100s of white people on their roofs after Katrina but they don't scream as loud so they get no attention. Yes Louisiana is racist but the discrimination is against white people. That being said, I have some awesome friends who love Jesus and don't play the race card every day who happen to be African American. If I had time I could tell you about MAJOR fraud committed by the "misfortunate" against FEMA and the US government. Oh the free vacations people with no damage to their homes took because the government was paying for it. The garbage going on at the dome was of course reported by people who didn't know their head from a hole in the ground. There was a mandatory (that means everyone) evacuation issued. The dome was set up and supplied to house 10,000 people from area health care facilities who were deemed too ill to travel. There was food and water for them to have enough for several days. When the mob of people showed up at the dome (70,000 I think of all races) rather than leave they headed on down to the dome and drank all the liquids and ate all of the food after breaking into the security cages where it was put away FOR the sick people. The dome was so TRASHED it had to be overhauled. You may think me racist but I am not. I am one of those people who is SICK of the takers and is hoping Trump will be able to level the playing field for everyone.